Yuki Aim - Kitsune Glass Mousepad Limited
Shipping to the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom Only. Please see our Authorized Retailer list for sales outside of the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom.
*Limited Quantity*
日本での先行予約注文はこちらから www.fumo-shop.com
Yuki Aim Kitsune – Glass Mousepad - Limited
Size: 500mm x 400mm
Thickness: 3.2mm
Print: Yes
Material: Ultra Smooth Heat Treated Glass
Anti Slip Base: Custom Design Anti-Slip Silicone Base
Original Artwork Designed by Yuki Aim and @ArtPaji

Authorized Distributors
If you are located outside of the United States, Canada, or United Kingdom, please refer to our authorized resellers list to purchase official Yuki Aim glass mousepads. Distributors labeled "pre-order" are expected to begin shipping at the beginning of July 2024.
Select your location and navigate to the associated website to complete your transaction.